On the way to the E.R.

What does it look like to depend on God when you're racing to the ER or urgent care with your child?

Your mind racing with what ifs. Brow furrowed. Lips pursed. White knuckles on the steering wheel. Eyes darting to check on your child in the mirror reflection. Did I grab my phone charger? How quickly will we be seen? You pull in to the parking lot & mama bear comes out strong as you grip tightly to your child & enter the space with every chair filled. Heaving a sigh as you wait to check in. Wanting answers as quickly as possible but knowing the waiting pushes you further into trusting Him. We have a choice in those moments. We have a choice to notice God’s thick presence in the midst of the waiting room. In the midst of the ambulance ride. In the middle of your storm.

“Christians assess the present in light of their assurance about the future” (ESV Bible note)

We can rest assured that He who was there before there was light - it is HE who is with you in the midst of this waiting room.

Lift your eyes and receive His peace.


Waiting with Hope


spring will come